The Airport
The Airport
- The airport offers all the conveniences to make travel as easy as possible. The airport offers aircraft parking (ramp or tie-down), courtesy transportation, courtesy cars, a pilot’s lounge/snooze room, passenger lounge, public telephone, computerized weather and Internet access to make your trip more enjoyable.
- On-site fuel station, on-site maintenance and the runway is county maintained.
- Our Through-the-Fence Agreement with the FAA allows property owners easy access to their hangars, homesites, homes, and community amenities.
About KSCX Airport
KSCX has humble beginnings as a tiny airport in Scott County, Tennessee. However, Senator Howard Baker Jr. saw a need to expand the airport in the 1980s; to bring new life to the area where his small hometown of Huntsville, Tennessee is located (which he often described as the center of the Universe). Out of respect for Senator Baker, President Ronald Regan approved the expansion of the airport. The senator served as Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff and was highly regarded for his efforts in Washington, as well as his efforts to preserve the Big South Fork recreation area.
Today, you’ll notice that the main terminal of the airport is named after Senator Baker in honor of his great contribution to this once rural corner of Tennessee.